The 2018 6 x 10
December 7-9

- Six Local Playwrights
- Six Original Plays
- Six Directors
- One Fantastic Weekend Of Theatre
The Barn Players proudly present our eleventh annual 6 x 10 Ten Minute Play Festival, a celebration of original work from playwrights in the midwest and particularly the Kansas City Metro area. Of the dozens of scripts we receive in the summer, we selected these six to present to you one weekend only this December. Please join us December 7 and 8 at 7:30pm, and December 9 at 2:00pm, to see something new, something to make you laugh, to make you cry, to make you think, and to showcase the vast array of acting, directing and playwriting talent in Kansas City theatre.
The 6 x 10 Play Festival... six local playwrights, six original plays, six directors, one fantastic evening of theatre!
- Produced by
Lynn Reddick - Lighting Designer
Chuck Cline - Sound Designer
Sean Leistico - Graphic Design
Alex Morales
- First Anniversary, by Glendora David, Directed by Alexa Cioffi-Abt
ADAM - Brent Custer, EVE - Alice Pollack - Darling, Demon, Lamb, By Krista Eyler, Directed by Craig Aikman
SISTER BERTHE - Irene Blend, SISTER MARGARETTA - Petra Allen, FATHER - Tony Francisco - Focus, By Lezlie Revelle, Directed by Em Loper
CELIA - Alli Irvin, ROBERT - Doug Dresslaer - Speak Now, By J. O. Grimm, Directed by Katelyn Tormena
HELENA - Michelle Boyer, HECTOR - Bryce Ostrom, ASHLYNN - Brandis Outlaw, JANE - Janelle Weber, DOUG - Jacob Funke, MOTHER IN LAW/OFFICIANT - Melissa Nisly - The Swallows, By Kevin King, Directed by Andy Perkins
SHAWNA - Kelly Main, KELLIE LYNN - Mary Beth Appleton - Look What The Fire Did, By Lewis Morrow, Directed by Ile Haggins
DR. LEE ROSS - Dennis Jackson, DAVID - Lewis Morrow